Jennae is a best-selling author and poet since 2016

Jennae Cecelia is a best-selling author and poet known for her poetry books, The Sun Will Rise and So Will We and Healing For No One But Me. Her career began in 2016 when she self-published her first book all on her own. She has since gone on to help other authors and writers learn how to successfully put their writing out into the world as well. Along with that Jennae now spends time creating custom poems for readers. Jennae's mission as an author is to encourage and comfort people.

“I’m learning that not all quiet spaces need to be filled with sound and not all grounded feet need to be moving. There’s beauty in the boredom. We have forgotten how to just be.”

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“Today give yourself a little more grace. You are navigating unpaved roads and hikes with no clear signs. Give yourself a little more grace. Don’t forget all of your victorious climbs.”

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